Thursday, February 18, 2010

Massage - That's what I'm talking about!

Got a massage today. Working Well got some incredible sponsors for this challenge.
Free gym memberships, free trainers and free massages! Now if we could only modify the workout to massage ratio it would be perfect! Here's a scientific breakthrough I could get behind, how about someone inventing a way for you to burn as many calories getting a massage as you do at the gym.
Brien Schmauch is our massage therapist, he is a student at the Core Massage Institute, he'll graduate in mid-March and he is fabulous. The first time I spoke with him he was so excited I thought at first he must just like to massage fat girls but then he told me his story. In the past two years he has lost over 200 pounds. He came to meet all of us at work and tell us about his journey, he is committed to supporting us and even gave us his cell number. He is such a great guy and another wonderful source of support for us as we go through the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiration! It's great to be able to rapport with other people who have been there, done that!
